Haltermann Carless, a company of HCS Group and a pioneer of sustainable hydrocarbon solutions, has supplied sustainable racing fuel to the first rally in the UK, the JDS Machinery Rali Ceredigioin rally. Carless Hiperflo ECO 98 R70 is a new second-generation biofuel containing 70% biogenic components. This equates to 50% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions when compared to an equivalent super unleaded fully fossil-based fuel. Engineered to conform to EN228 Super Unleaded British standard, the ethanol-free composition can be used as drop-in fuel without any engine or fuel system modifications.
"We are delighted to support Rali Ceredigion in its leadership role in sustainable motorsport events in the UK”, says Dr. Bruno Philippon, Business Unit Leader Mobility at Haltermann Carless. “As a pioneer in high-performance fuels, we are fully committed to promoting sustainable motorsport worldwide and are ready to provide the industry with bespoke fuel formulations that even contain up to 100% renewable components."
Adrian Stuart, Haltermann Carless Sales Executive Motorsport UK, adds: “Building on last year’s milestone, when the event became the first UK rally to offset emissions for all participating vehicles, we are committed to continue this progress even further through the integration of sustainable fuels. We are thrilled to unveil Hiperflo ECO98 R70, marking a significant step forward for the rallying community at Rali Ceredigion. We are proud to be able to help spotlight the utilisation of sustainable fuels within the rally arena outside of the World Rally Championship (WRC).”
Drivers confirm performance of sustainable Hiperflo ECO98 R70
The two drivers using Hiperflo ECO98 R70 during the rally, Phil Mills in an Escort Twin Cam and Nick Heard in a Ginetta G40, confirm the performance of the sustainable racing fuel:
Phil Mills, WRC Champion Co-driver, Rali Ceredigion Ambassador and owner of Viking Motorsport, which specialises in historic rally cars, says: “We carried out extensive testing with the new Carless Hiperflo ECO98 R70 on the dyno and were extremely impressed. You can just pour it in and go – even in an engine that was designed in the 1960s. Whilst there’s more development to come, this is a massive step forward for sustainability in motorsport. I am therefore proud to be one of the first to use this new fuel and hope it will lead to more competitors, be it in modern or historic vehicles, to follow suit.”
Nick Heard, Director of Heard Services: "I was immensely impressed with the new Hiperflo ECO98 R70 fuel. It was a seamless transition from the fossil-based equivalent fuel without the need for any remapping. Over 100 stage miles on fast, narrow lanes our vehicle performed flawlessly on this fuel, demonstrating exceptional performance, particularly at low revs and during acceleration. I'd like to extend our sincere appreciation to Haltermann Carless for providing us with the opportunity to showcase the remarkable Hiperflo ECO98 R70. It's a real credit to their innovation in the field of eco-friendly fuels."
Rali Ceredigion – only FIA environmental accredited rally in UK
Rali Ceredigion is currently the only rally in the UK to hold FIA environmental accreditation, with organisers pledging to increase their commitment to sustainability. The international motorsport event in Wales forms part of no less than four major championships, such as Motorsport UK British Rally Championship, Protyre Aspahlt Rally Championship, FIA European Trophy and Tour European Rally. Rali Ceredigion took place on September 2-3 2023.
Copyright picture below, car driving at Rali Ceredigion: Stanislav Kucera Photography
Rali Ceredigion is currently the only rally in the UK to hold FIA environmental accreditation and is the first UK rally to introduce a sustainable race fuel. Hiperflo® ECO98 R70 from Haltermann Carless consists of 70% biogenic components and enables greenhouse gas emissions to be almost halved.
Copyright: Stanislav Kucera Photography